
I Need the Tool for Myself NOW

I wish to learn to Support a Person
in Stress

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The E.M.P.O.W.E.R.E.D. Butterfly Method

Can this Method serve you?

Ask yourself:

A: I am in distress and could use some help.
Sign up for our free flow sheet and audio to get started right away, remember that if it helps to pass it on and let the US know.
B: I am supporting a loved one who's struggling and it’s getting to me. 
At times when we can not help any more than we do and need to remember to look after OURSELF first and become the invitation and example.



C: I support a team and get frustrated as the box-ticking for mental health support is not really effective.
This effective tool can support small and large organisations, a team member can be trained or we can come in to lead a training.
D: I feel inspired by your work and was wondering if I might be able to train in this Method.
You can be trained to use this method for family and friends or you can come and join our team. Do you have a background in mental health? This training is internationally recognised and accredited for further education.


Find out more about the Empowered Butterfly Method

Allow the founder Dr Kaine to introduce you personally?

From Distress to Hope
in the time it takes to go to the bathroom

Join us in this mission to promote emotional well-being and prevent suicide 

The Empowered Butterfly Method


Start by taking this Method to your next 
Bathroom break

Get your 9 steps from Despair to Hope Free Take-Along flow chart and
5 min Talk-Through AUDIO

For future newsletter 

Simple let nature call you to practice 

Powerful and Effective sequence

1 method

Let nature call you
as often as needed

3x a day

Repeat this easy go-to method at least 21 times

1 week

Help other help themselves Pass It Forward



K.I.S.S Keep It Super Simple 

The Book is a Deep Dive into the method and its applications in society
Buy The Book Today
worldwide on AMAZON

Buy your Paperback for under $10
Kindle version FREE on AUDIBLE or £3 

To apply for Your Sticker Package  
Spread the Method on Your Premises

Contact us (below)

 support us with a donation
So we can keep this method free 

Paticia Kaine MD

Patricia A Kaine MD is an inspirational speaker, author, physician, mother, and grandmother. She’s a cancer, IPF, and suicide ideation survivor. Named to Who's Who of Outstanding Doctors, 2016; and Who's Who Worldwide 2020. She received her BS in Ed. from Kent St U, 1970; MD from Wright State U, Dayton, OH, 1982; Board certified FP in 1985. Retired in 2017. She has appeared twice on the Dr. Oz Show. As an outcome of her strong, faith-based approach to medicine and health she created The Butterfly Method, helping hundreds in crisis to seek treatment and avoid suicide in multiple countries. Her book Empowered Butterfly Method is available on Amazon.

Patricia Kaine MD has used ’The Butterfly Method' for over three decades. She has supported her patients to choose better solutions to the challenges they were experiencing. It's a tool that's a safe and quick method to deal with the immediate stress of the moment.

Simone Moir

Simone Moir is an international bestselling author, speaker, and intuitive coach, with a rich background spanning over 25 years as a Holistic Yoga Therapist, Holistic Pain Specialist and Energy Worker. Her expertise extends to working with diverse groups, including the Public Foster Service, military personnel, and individuals in their final moments of life. Having had her own dark moments to conquer, real-world experience has deeply enriched her understanding of the practical applications of these powerful tools.

In collaboration with Dr. Patricia Kaine, Simone Moir serves as the driving force behind the method's global expansion, envisioning its integration in restrooms worldwide. By teaching this approach, providing a straightforward yet empowering strategy to mainstream education and businesses alike we can address mental health challenges where no one is left behind.


Why you should read The 'Empowered Butterfly Method’

A must-read for anyone.'

The "Empowered Butterfly Method' equips you with the knowledge and tools to potentially save a life or bring hope back to someone who is lost.

Just as knowing the ABC method of First Aid is crucial for physical health, understanding the 'Empowered Butterfly Method' is essential for mental health.

Despair can narrow our perception, leading to thoughts of suicide. We need trusted and caring individuals to help us create alternative pro-life choices.
Play and seeking new experiences can be a way to combat depression, and it's crucial for communities, schools, churches, and youth clubs to have the skills to facilitate communication about emotional distress and ways to alleviate it.
It's time to break the taboo surrounding mental health and make it a safe topic to discuss openly in society.

Combining two uncomfortable topics: "The Toilet and Suicide" with a light and skilful approach can create enough disruption to go viral and make people "STOP & THINK".

Bring it to your Community Contact US
Keep the Method FREE
Free Mood Checker
to keep track of emotions

Stay updated
with what is coming 

For Merchandise and Questions?

We are also on
Social Media to Like and Share:
By teaching The "Empowered Butterfly Method"

Becoming an ambassador and teaching this system in education, businesses, and community groups equips society with a simple method to manage stress, anxiety, and depression while gracefully navigating life's challenges with ease.

We are currently developing a comprehensive system, and we're piloting it as we speak. By teaching it once, we integrate it and build a lasting legacy, enabling us to reach more people in less time, leaving them empowered by the method. Join us in making a meaningful difference. Save Lives

First Line Responders

Keep track of what is going on with you

Suicidal is the elephant in the room, we are uncomfortable addressing it as we have no solutions.

Expressing having suicidal thoughts is becoming less of a taboo than it was in the 20th century.

This is vital in reversing the current trend.

Fortunately, support, tools for assessing and treating suicidal persons are improving.

Unfortunately, these are usually focused towards those who have a definite plan in place to end their life.

Share this tool early.


What makes this method invaluable for any business

Business & HR

Demands to keep staff productive are harder than ever, and meeting distress can be unefective or very pricey.

It's easy and memorable, avaialable to anyone, any age, that is able to use the facilities.

We offer training key staff and whole teams in this quirky, medically-backed method that works.

The Empowered Butterfly Method is unique in the fact that it is aimed to foster a daily habit, which diverts thoughts from 'I'd be better off dead' to 'something more positive'.

Lead by example and invite to sample something your tried yourself first before sharing in your community.

Does putting a sticker at the toilet resolve the issue?

 No. It needs to include educationd. What it does do is divert thoughts so better alternatives and familar support.
Suicide is a leading cause of death among college students and young adults.
Suicide is, mostly preventable.

Unquestionably you want your campus to be known for meeting your students' mental health issues and being dedicated to fostering the total wellbeing of all students.

Young people who consider suicide may not seek help directly, so it is important to be able to recognize signs that they may be at risk.

Make resources easy to access for all.

Our Vision

Our Vision:
Creating Fields of Hope

Let's address our silently growing global pandemic together as community.

Almost everyone has been touched by a loved one struggling to cope with distress and maybe even attempting or finalising a premature exit.

we can turn attempts into success.
Creating Fields of Hope by becoming the community that can foster mental health and has more understanding about how to best support each other.

Your vision is to birth a world where suicide becomes a very unapealing option.

Let Our Journey Begin - Apply to our PILOT PROGRAM below

What Our Clients Say

We are driven by the pleasure of receiving great feedback from our customers, we work hard every day to offer the best possible experience

" You are in safe hands! Allow Patricia to take the edge off."


"My resilience and strength has changes, on top of it my focus has never been better"


" my desire to get on with life has changed substantially"

mental health solution

We Are Members 

Are you a US Business looking for exposure that pays you, or a Charity looking for funding and impact? is an Advertising Movement like no other

A contributor to the gig economy to help L.A.'s Homeless!
YOU SHOP - Like Amazon.
YOU JOIN - Membership based on a patented
3-way referral program.
BAM GIVES - We help our Houseless and fund Non-Profits.


All rights reserved Simone Moir 2020

Copyright  2023

Latest News

US Patricia Kaine MD 
+1 (216) 789-7236

UK Simone Moir
+44 7789813481